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Northwest Kadey-Krogen Owners Group

Upcoming 2025 KROG-IN Rendezvous

Krogen Spring Rendezvous - Sidney BC

June 6 - 8, 2025

Krogen Fall Rendezvous - Anacortes WA

September 18 - 22, 2025

Thanks for a great 2024 Krogen Rendezvous!

This is a social and learning event of fun, food & friends at Cap Sante Marina.  The town of Anacortes is adjacent, so doing a bit of shopping is easy.  We will have continental breakfast on the dock, and a planned dinner on Friday through Sunday.

WHEN & WHERE:  Arrive Thursday September 19, depart Monday September 23. 

This year we are upping the ante with a higher level of catering, and are excited to include such seminars as Cruising in Prince William Sound, Preparing Your Boat for Long Voyages, Samish Indian Appreciation for the Salish Sea, Race to Alaska, Fitness Aboard & Birding.

Registration includes catered dinners and Sunday pancake breakfast, breakfast snacks and beverages daily, all speaker sessions, and Anacortes Yacht Club access during the event. Moorage will be arranged for you with Cap Sante Marina.

Thursday Sept 19 - Fleet Arrival - C Dock                        

up to 17:00 Docking of the Fleet; Name Tag & Goodie Bag Distribution

   Get your cruising images to Julie at julielund55@gmail.com!

17:00 on BYO Dockside Poo Poos & Welcoming Activities by Julie

Friday Sept 20 - Day 1                

0800 - 0900 Coffee, Tea & Snacks

0900 - 0930 Welcome & Orientation

0930 - 1030 Presentation #1: Krogen Group Corporate Update by Tucker West & Jonathan Cooper

1045 - 1215 Presentation #2: Whales of the Salish Sea by Maria Sabando Plaza of the Friday Harbor Whale Museum

1215 - 1300 Lunch on your own

1300 - 1630 Krogen Crawl 1 & Swap Meet

1730 - 1900 Welcome Reception - Burger Dinner and BYO sides

1900 on Confessions of a Krogen Owner - Passions, Wins & Fails

Saturday Sept 21 - Day 2                         

0800 - 0900 Coffee, Tea & Snacks

0900 - 1030 Presentation #3: Logistics of Cruising to Prince William Sound by Lynn & Neal Parker

1045 - 1215 Presentation #4: How to Prepare for a Long Voyage by Todd Bartus of Northern Lights

1215 - 1330 Lunch on your own

1330 - 1500 Presentation #5: A More Hardcore Approach to Being With The Sea by Karl Kruger

1500 - 1630 Presentation #6: Lithium or Lead - Is it Time to Make the Switch? By Erick Frack, Davin Dhatt, Ken Morano & Bill Nieman

1800 - 1930 Dinner at Anacortes Yacht Club - Paella Catering from Slough Food

1900 on Confessions of a Krogen Owner - Passions, Wins & Fails

Sunday Sept 22 - Day 3                            

0800 - 0900 Pancake Breakfast

0900 - 1030 Presentation #7: Birding by Jeff Osmundson of the Skagit Audubon Society

1045 - 1215 Presentation #8: What NOAA Offers for Navigation & Weather with our own Doug Helton

1215 - 1330 Lunch on your own

1330 - 1500 Presentation #9: Knot Tying with Adelia Mae of Seattle Maritime Academy

1500 - 1600 Business Meeting & Rendezvous Review

1800 - 1930 Dinner at Anacortes Yacht Club - Adrift Catering

1930 on Confessions of a Krogen Owner - Passions, Wins & Fails

Monday Sept 23 - Departure of the Fleet                         

0800 - 0900 Coffee, Tea & Snacks

0900 -   Departures


Step 1: Event registration is first, just for you and your boat.  Then add your partner and any guests by clicking on: Add Guest.  Cost is $150 per person.  This includes continental breakfast and dinner on Saturday & Sunday.  The registration link is:   https://kadeykrogenowners.org/event-5770979

Step 2: Upon registration, we will make your reservations at Cap Sante Marina for arrival on the 19th and departure on the 23rd.  We will also be making slip assignments for arrivals on the 19th.  If you plan to arrive before the 19th, or leave after the 23rd please contact the marina directly at (360) 293-0694.  Check-in and pay for moorage at the marina office when you arrive.

-See You There!

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Fearless leader Brad Popovich
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